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Assignment instructions….

Barking Up the Right Container

Posted 6 years ago

Carpentry and power tools are not something that are new to me. I use both regularly as a prop designer. But when given the task of using NO fasteners, I immediately jumped to joinery, something entirely new to me. As … Read more

An Exercise in Wabi-sabi

Posted 6 years ago

This project was a exercise in continuous readjustment. After finding out that the piece of wood we were each given was a little unconventional—or, at least, not a fully smooth and processed block of wood—I had to come up with … Read more

A Wooden Bowl

Posted 6 years ago

When I was told the assignment was to make a container out of wood, I immediately thought of the small wooden bowls that are popular at stores like West Elm and Anthropologie. These bowls are petite, perfectly smooth, stained, and … Read more

Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Literally): A Learning Process

Posted 6 years ago

As our wood unit began, I started approaching plans for my design using what limited knowledge I already had about woodworking and wooden objects. I have always appreciated wood’s potential as a medium to produce works that serve both functional … Read more

My Bowltiful Collaboration

Posted 6 years ago

Gabrielle and I began this project knowing we wanted our projects to not just speak to one another but to actually connect. I drafted an idea, knowing that we were starting with wedge shapes and wanting them to connect one … Read more

I Fought the Wood and the Wood Won (ish)

Posted 6 years ago

When handed the basswood cookie and corresponding making assignment, I grappled with what form my container would take and how I should go about constructing it. Our class discussion of woodworking joints had planted the seed in my mind for … Read more